Submitted by: R Shankar Sharma
Complaint Details:
I wanted to port my existing mobile number from current to other service provider. So I typed porting message “PORT MY Number” to 1900 and clicked on send. But after few seconds message can not be sent displayed on my screen. Then again and again I tried to send this message but every time message can not be sent came on my screen. Then I recharged my number with Rs. 50 and tried again to send poring message to 1900 but still message not sent. then on 8 June 2017 i wrote a mail regarding the same issue “cant send message to 1900” to (All communication are attached herewith in PDF format). Also once i called vodafone care on phone number 9823098230 and told them about the issue and they said that my message service to 1900 was blocked and at same time they said that service is was then enabled. Then after 24 hours approximately and afterwards i tried to send porting message again again but could not be sent.