Scam or fraud: Psa 2000 Saudi Arabia Company — My anb telemoney transaction up to now not sucecc

Submitted by: Samal62

Complaint Details:
Dear sir/madam, i am Ashok kumar samal working under psa 2000 saudi arabia company .on 30 /03/2017 i was transfer sar 8500 from anb telemoney by internet banking to my indian account sbi kandasar account no 30304446786 that time my transaction showing success and transaction ref no TM-MIB TXN NO :179541039838.I request you please check my transaction and return to my account my money.i am worried because this money not reached my indian sbi account after 24 hrs . please take a necessary action and return to my account asa soon as posible.

ashok kumar samal

