Scam or fraud: Paytm Wallet — Wallet payment failure to vendor on 8-7-17: refund of cash paid

Submitted by: Rajesh Vohra

Complaint Details:
Sir / Madam,

On 8-7-17,
through Paytm wallet, I paid Rs.76.00 to Mother Dairy Booth 976 at 6:29 AM. Wallet txn ID:12205935738.

Waited for 15 minutes at milk booth, when vendor didn’t get Payment, I paid Rs. 76/- in cash.

I had to pay cash in similar instances where payment deducted from my wallet but the merchant didn’t get the payment.

Replies are such that they directing to the victim to merchant again if he has got the payment.
Never refunding and filling up it kitty through such frauds and cheating.
Kindly take up this issue with the company
to help me in getting refund .


On 08-Jul-2017 6:35 AM, “Paytm” wrote:

