Scam or fraud: Lg Electronics — service centre has broke my nexus 5x back cover

Submitted by: Master Thulasinadh

Complaint Details:

My complaint ID is RNP170722067985 . I gave my phone to kadapa service centre for repair, they broke the back case of my nexus 5x .At the time of incident, there is no owner available in the service centre, the technician told that we cannot change the entire back case because it has lightly broken and that to by mistake not necessarily, if you want you can give complaint to manager. Then i reported it to manager, after that the technician has changed words and tells that he didn’t damaged the phone. Now whats should i do, please help me, i have a proof that 2 of my friends also came at that time of giving mobile to service centre.

Thank you,

complaint ID is RNP170722067985
Contact number :9849943269/7013477080
Job sheet no.7136
Kadapa service centre.

