Submitted by: chakkasrikanth
Complaint Details:
Sir my name is chakka.srikanth.iam bookedtreservation ticket no from visakhapatnam to tirupathi on 14-02-2017 for tonumbers. my pnr no is 666-3929870 is cancelled due to some personal probem.this is booked by debit cardcardup to now my amount is not credited to my account number, so please refundol my am.ount to me amount is 760rupees only
c, hakka.kasi annapurnaf54, chakka.lakshmif53 years.ol-d ticket no-62059396ca, cancel tic no-666-3929870, my accno sbi-30705574620, ph no -8985651841, ticket no -a62061296 bkd no mc-2102