Scam or fraud: HDFC Bank — HDFC Bank Credit Card fraud transactions

Submitted by: Bhaskar1031

Complaint Details:
Yesterday i have got a message from hdfc near 6:14:09 pm about deduction of rs 600 from my credit card.
The message says “your trx is debited to hdfc bank credit card for rs. 600.00 in mumbai at icvbp on 2017-03-27:18:14:04. This is not an authenticated trx as per rbi mandate effective 1 may 12.”.
After getting the massage i contacted with credit card customer care hdfc and they said only after the 48 hrs of the incident they can provide me the details of the transaction and after a discussion they suggested me to block my credit card as this may be a fraud case.
So can any one provide me the details from where the amount is deducted and also please ensure so that i have not to pay this 600.

