Submitted by: as01011953
Complaint Details:
Name:Deeksha Srivastava DOB: 20/11/1992. D/O: Arvind Srivstavar
Address: C-51 VDA COLONY, PHASE-1
I was registered in voter list and received EPIC no.AXK2335388.I have to say that in this process my name is incorrect, wrong name Deepa Srivastava is written inspite of Deeksha Srivastava (correct name) .To correct my name i have tried more and more by sending regd. letter to D.M Varanasi on date 1/8/2015 and 26/07/2016 and after this i also applied online to correct it in in sept.- oct.2016 with request id 15a432ea5f8dfdbdf 15a4303c299b9072.But due to lack of action result is nill .My name is not correct yet .
Here i again request to correct the name .please take action.