Scam or fraud: Delhi Jal Board — Not receiving DJB water in my water meter for past 15 days

Submitted by: Kanhiya Lal Gupta

Complaint Details:
New K.No. 0706331000

I am not receiving DJB water in my water meter installed at H.No.84, Ist Floor, Khizra Bad, Near New Friends Colony, New Delhi-25 for 15 days, in this connection I have made many complaint to DJB office at Sarita Vihar, New Delhi & also at your Ph. No. 1916 vide complaint No. 0819 and many more. but no action has been taken till now.

So, in view of above kindly take neccessary action at your end

Kanhiya Lal Gupta Mob. No. 8800944537,

