Submitted by: divakar arukapalli
Complaint Details:
In the recent month of May Shri Bandaru Dattatreya launched “One IP- Two Dispensaries” scheme in ESIC. It is very useful to family members whose I.P is working in other town. But the Dispensaries employees are not accepting it. Since we are paying money for every month but the IP is unable to utilize services.
Recently in Visakhapatnam our employee ( I.P.) who is working in Kakinada wants to utilize ESI in Visakhapatnam dispensary ( Malkapuram). We updated his family details and we given a Malkapuram dispensary for his nominee ( Father). But they are not accepting and they are saying that the I.P. is in Kakinada so nominee is not accepting in VIsakhapatnam.
There is no use of launching schemes if the dispensary persons is not awaking of new schemes in ESI. Kindly give us a reply so that we will take alternative decision. Kindly solve this problem so that we will have remains the faith on ESI