Scam or fraud: Renault — Kwid AMT red color

Submitted by: Thriveni Sudhakar

Complaint Details:
Respected sir, I was travelling towards chennai after a pooja in vellore, with my wife, son (12), mother(75), on saturday(24.6.17)near Thiruverkadu around 1PM, we had met with an accident(mild damage only) and radiator problem because of that vehicle did not move.called the toll free no. They said will look into it, and send a vehicle to pick up the family passengers and send a tow vehicle to pick the breakdown vehicle. But nobody came or can be contacted after that. We were in midst of the road, with my aged mother, inside the car for 2-3 hrs in the sun.They did not even send any passenger pick up vehicle to pick up inspiting of telling them, she is old and cannot walk
Then when i could reach them by phone, they said will come in another 45mins. Then my family took a private taxi and left to house.The company person towed the vehicle around 5.30PM.
Now insurance person also the car and other formalities done, only minor problem with AC, radiator and head light, they are saying it will take another 1 week to deliver vehicle.
The after sales service provided by the company is very poor.
Executives. Its been problem from day 1 of car booking and delivery. After i took delivery also AC was not working properly.
The Service of Renault is very unsatisfying, how could we refer to others to buy renault cars.
Please look into this regard and help me to get my vehicle, bcoz of this I’m not able to go around my business.

