Submitted by: sakthi143
Complaint Details:
I am Sakthi Kannan and working in Tata Business support Services Ltd., I have applied 2 Claims for my wife, father (one is April Month and 2nd is May month) and submitted all the necessary document to Mr.Jaya Kumar who is Taking care of our company. When I checked him he stated that your claim is not possible and they have denied due to the following reasons.
1.Claim No Id: 14613554 Amount: Rs.41, 108/- (This is eye correction and we can’t claim the amount )
2.Claim Id: 14387349 Amount: Rs.13, 946/- (This is High BP and no need to hospitalized and can’t claim the amount)
Kindly check and let me know to get the claim details for the same.
My Emp.Id:66018
Name: Sakthi Kannan.N
Office: Tata Business support Services Ltd.,