Scam or fraud: Maruti Suzuki India — Mileage of CIAZ VDI + SHVS

Submitted by:  rpsingh1957

Complaint Details:
I had purchased one CIAZ VDI+ SHVS car from your dealer in East Delhi om=n dated 16-07-016.All three services are done by your authorised workshops in time. It completed 18000 km run. But the mileage of my car is 16.5 Kmpl. It is against your co claim as 29.00 kmpl. It is not nearby .
Can anybody suggest me or help me so that we can achieve a good or reasonable mileage which save my pocket.
It reflects the bad image of your co. when the persons ask me it mileage.
Moreover I pospond the my idea to purchase the another vehicle from Maruti.
I hpoe somebody will reply my complaint in suitable time frame.

