Scam or fraud: Unitech Group — Not yet received FD refund of my late wife Aruna Das

Submitted by: Pabitra 47

Complaint Details:
FDR No.1241972, Folio no.1250313, PAN No.ALWPD6278L
My Regd. letter dated 20.05.16, Email dt19.10.16, Regd letter dt.16.11.16
Ihave not received refund of my late wife Aruna Das who invested Rs.Five
lacs. All relavent papers including her death certifiate duly attested by Branch Manger, Andhra Bank, Br. MS Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha and FDR in original
duly stamped, signed have been sent your FD Deptt..So far no action has been taken at your end. The Company is not responding to my letters and mail. Toll free is of no use as nobody ig responding to my calls Its cheating Please help me.Iam a Senior Citizen.and my age is 71. Please refund the amount of my wifes hard earnd money, who is no more.
My mobile no. 9439780705. Mail Id:
Pabitra Kumar Mohanty

