Scam or fraud: Sony India — Sony xa ultra

Submitted by: vaibhavprajapati

Complaint Details:
My mobile sony xa ultra is handging problem and eroor any app i use and automatically restart my phone black display i am sony service enerudhna i gave my phone and after servie enter 6 time my phone software and ater not solve my eroor i am 6 to time going to servie cneter and hey say ur problem is solve not to again generate this problem bt after 1 day continue this problrm and my phone now 15 days in head oie and not to surly when ome back my phone i wan to reoplace my phone bcz i hv a no more warty only 15 days so i want to change my [hone and my old phone is song m5 and is replae my phone and give me sony xa ultra .. after 2 month i am using this phone and hanging problem and so many erros in my phone .. so i wan to replace my phone

